Broken Wings!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

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“Everything is settled. No tears, no boredom, and no hurt. Everyone lives as if in paradise. Day by day, and time after time, they protect nature’s splendor. Anyone who glimpses Aru, wants to stay.”

I spent most of this school year on Broken Wings Musical Production. Yes, it is a musical drama Cita Hati Senior High School presented last February. The rehearsal took around 8 months! Our hard work was paid off by the audiences’ reaction after the performance. I was so glad that everyone loved it; even the students from other schools complimented the performance. I learned a lot during the 8 months process. In spite of the new drama teacher, Mr. Angger. I need to adapt with his new way of teaching which was quite different from the earlier teacher. I learned new things from him and I also met a lot of new friends. There were a lot of students that were involved in this Musical Production, some of them joined the dance, orchestra, choir, and also backstage team. That was the first time I've ever been in that kind of musical drama. The musical drama was so extravagant and spectacular, so we have to be super serious because we were seen by the public, including some important people such as: Mayor of Surabaya, Ministers of Educational Department, etc.

The quote above is a part of what the narrators said in the script of performance. The story is about a nature-born-tribe called Aru which lives in the forest. They protect nature in every single way since their ancestors had told them to. Until one day, Max Company wants to destroy the forest where Aru people live for the sake of their business. But Aru people refuse and the war between modernized and traditional civilization begins. Before the war, the headman's wife gives birth to a little girl called Broken Wings. During the war, the headman and his wife are killed, and Broken Wings is saved to the city by a journalist. Despite of their traditional weapons, the Aru tribe wins. Later, after around 20 years, the long lost Broken Wings goes home to her tribe.

I'm sorry I can't upload the recording of the performance, but i can show you the trailer, please watch! ;)

Can you recognize me in that trailer? :p
The trailer was shot at real forest, isn't it beautiful?
I've got some of my pictures too!

I'm the one in the middle!

I'm the one on the right!

I had been really a wonderful experience to participate in such a great event! :)


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