The Beginning :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

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It all started back then when I was in the 5th grade of elementary school. I wanted to change my extracurricular activity at school from choir to something else. The, somehow, I decided to choose drama. I think from that moment, I started to develop my love towards drama and theatre arts.

One day, still in the 5th grade, a senior high student came to see my drama extracurricular teacher, Mr. Ming I was walking past the classroom when Mr. Ming called me and introduced me to the sat student. Her name is Karin (I called her ce* Karin,) and she was looking for elementary students to be involved in the senior high’s musical drama. Mr. Ming suggested me as one of the students and certainly agreed when ce Karin asked me if I want to join the drama. The musical drama was entitled ”Indonesia Milik Siapa?”and it was amazing. Too bad that I can’t find the recording of the performance :(

After that ce Karin and her friends were going to make a film. And she asked once more to join! I was so happy at that time! I didn’t really know the purpose of the film making though. There was Mr. Hartono whom I called “ko* Har” and he was the teacher of ce Karin and friends, so I guess that film is for school purposes. I tried to upload the film, but it took a very long time because of the big size, sorry :(
Instead, you can see this video we made also with other Cita Hati students for explaining the general rules in the school. The video was played during the Students Orientation Program when new students for grade 7 and 10 are told about the school.

Since then, I continued taking drama as my extracurricular. And when I entered Junior High School I had Koko Har as my teacher. I really enjoy being involved in school events such as Christmas and Easter celebration dramas. Later in the 9th grade, my school offered some scholarships and I was interested to apply for one. I applied for both the academic scholarship (the one which is based on academic results) and the special talent scholarship (the one which is based on talents). During the interview for the scholarship requirement, I was asked, “Don’t you consider taking acting seriously? Like maybe with taking up acting courses or joining casting audition for indie movies?” I actually never thought of something like that. Well, I sometimes dream about being a real actress, but I never thought of living that dream. Despite of it, I think I’ll focus more on my education for now. But if someday, I could have the opportunity to live my dream, I’d love to. (Amen!)

Anyways, I finally got that scholarship for the special talent one. And here I am, creating this blog which is actually used for my scholarship’s portfolio.

Okay, that’s the whole history behind my love towards the theatre arts. And by the way, I found the words I use for the name of this blog when I was surfing on the internet, looking for theatre art stuffs and these series of words caught my eye instantly, I don’t know why, hahaha :D

*Note :
‘ce ’ is the abbreviation of ‘cece’ which originally come from the Chinese word ‘jie jie’ that means older sister
‘ko’ is the abbreviation of ‘koko’ which originally came from the Chinese word ‘ge ge’ that means older brother


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