Disney and its Astonishing Fact You Might Have Never Imagined!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Hello readers!
How’s your week? Mine is filled with school assignments and tests L
Working hard to get all of them done…
But still, I manage to spare some time to share something with you guys ;)

My post today will still be related to my last post about The Lion King.
When I was browsing for the pictures (remember, I wasn’t allowed to take pictures so I had to take pictures from the web to show you some features in the play), I found something that was a bombshell. This thing has been under debate since quite a long time ago, but I’ve just known about it recently.

It is said that there is a sexual promiscuity subliminal message in the Disney The Lion King film.

Sounds complex and unfamiliar? I know, I did not get it either at first. :p
Due to curiosity, I looked deeper about this, and guess what? This is something worthwhile to be thought about and I want to share my opinion with you.

First, about subliminal message, it is flashes of words, images, or sounds that appear in advertisements, TV shows, films, or music. Mostly when this message is shown, we do not recognize it. Therefore our conscious mind ignores it, but this message is taken in by our subconscious mind.

Second, sexual promiscuity is the act of sexual with multiple partners. One of the popular examples is the one-night stand, which is a sexual relationship that lasts only for a night. It is considered unethical and taboo in many cultures, including here in my country. These one-night standers are often considered as ragtag and immoral people.

In The Lion King film, there is a scene where Simba flops down on the cliff and a cloud of dust blows above him. As the dust fades away, it forms the letters S-E-X.

 can you see the letters?
sorry for the bad quality picture, did not manage to find one with higher quality,
since the film itself was from 1994 or so...

Disney denied the accusation of inserting this sexual subliminal message. They said it was actually S-F-X, the abbreviation of special effects, as a trademark of the animators.

Well I was thinking, if Disney did not intend to place those hidden messages, why would they avoid the accusation by saying that it was not ‘SEX’ but ‘SFX’? They could have said that it was just a coincidence made by the artists’ drawings. So can I conclude that they indeed aimed to insert certain hidden messages in their film? :o

People are debating over the impact of these hidden messages. It has not been proven that subliminal messages have a great effect on human’s behavior and emotional activity, but some researches claimed to have found out that constantly viewing these messages affect one’s brain activities. For an instance, viewing flashed messages of fear-related words trigger the activity in a part of the brain that associates with fear.

There are a lot of other subliminal message findings in various Disney’s films, including The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, The Rescuers, etc. Moreover, most of the subliminal messages discovered are sex-related. Due to the contentious images and words found, Disney drew millions of copies of these films and edited those problematic parts in the newer version or the remake of the films.

So why sex? Sex, in fact, sells. When persons heard these rumors, they are likely to find the messages themselves by purchasing the films. Who knows maybe Disney intentionally puts these hidden messages for someone to find them, creating the controversies, and boost their sales.

Disney has always been a family oriented company, producing massive amounts of children animations. A lot of people were disappointed by this subliminal messages controversy. It is comprehensible that some people do not find this as a problem; it might just be a human error or a matter of perception. We will never know. Nevertheless, Disney should be much more careful, they should double, TRIPLE check the animations before they release the film. By doing this, Disney protect the children and adults from seeing these disturbing images.

I, personally, have grown up on Disney’s films. Even until now I watch and adore them. I was totally appalled by this controversy and am still wondering why would they do such things… :’( I mean, if they insert these messages in adult films, I wouldn’t be so taken aback. But these? Sexual subliminal messages in children’s movies? I feel that this is very disheartening. Children nowadays are attached to the media as their entertainment, thus these awful features will definitely affect them.  I hope Disney will learn from this and put an end to whatever they’re intending to do (these, evil, subliminal messages) or simply just minimize the human errors (if these things are really just loads of multiple human errors).

Whew, such a long post. So, did you find this interesting? Share your thoughts in the comment box below! I’d be more than glad to discuss with you J

I’d better exit this blogosphere and continue working on my tasks for now…
‘til next time guys, toddles!

Lots of Love,

Disney The Lion King Musical

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hi guys!
Since there are not much to say about my theatrical activities, I'll share with you about one of the theaters I've seen. Yes, you've figured out what it is from the title, haven't you?
It's the Lion King Musical :)
We all know the movie, we've watched it when we were younger, right?
But let me tell you, the musical was superb.
The movie, even the modern remake one, is nothing compared to the musical.

I forgot who they are.. I think it's Uncle Scar and Mufasa.

I saw the musical in August last year (I know it's been almost a year since I watched it, just never really get to tell about it until now ._. ) in Singapore.
I think I still have the ticket piece, I'll look for it and update this post when I find it :D
It was in the Sands Theatre in Marina Bay Sands, and I watched the theatre together with my little sister. Even though it has been a year, I still remember most of the scenes and luckily, I managed to write some notes in my phone during the show :p

The first thing that really WOW-ed me was the live music. I know it's common for theaters, but seriously, the music was amazing. Maybe the good quality theatre should be taken into consideration for the beautiful sound produced as well? Since the very first part of the theatre, the African chant, which was also my favorite part, I've got goosebumps already.

Rafiki, singing the chant

The actors and actresses really portray the characters well, even their voices sounds very similar. Lightings were made use significantly. They created the illusion of water using a piece of cloth and the lightings. Somehow the 'water' looked real. Shadows were also applied to create the sense of depth and movement in the stage. Even though the stage is quite big, you cannot really put some scenes into real acts, like the scene when Simba was chased by a herd of bulls. They made use of shadow in this case.

Since it was a musical, dance also played a big part. I love the way they danced to show different moods in the scenes. My favorite was the dance that showed the grief from Mufasa's death. Their costumes supported them really well too. Even though they played animal characters, does not mean that they had to use the costume which cover up their whole body. The other thing that I like was that in certain scenes the actors enter the stage from the audiences' rows of seats. It was surprisingly nice, you got to see them real close and paid attention to their costumes and make ups :D

see their costumes? The dancers' body are still visible, these kind of costumes are rare :o

After all of the beautiful things I mentioned, still, there were some things that did not appeal to me. Not that I'm such a theatre expert that I get to critique their big play, these are just my opinions :)
You know in dance, teamwork and synchronized moves are crucial. Well, I know those dancers are human, they make mistakes and imperfect, despite these, it was a professional theatrical show. People paid quite a big amount (not gonna mention the price specifically :p) to see them, and they ought to give their best. I still saw some errors in their movements, even one of the dancers' costume part fell, but she managed to still continue her part. They've done best, but nothing's wrong with more improvements, isn't it? ;)

The other thing that really bothered me was the Timon puppeteer's costume. Timon puppet was brownish-orangey in color, while the puppeteer was wearing GREEN. yep, green. I don't know why and I still don't get it until know, but I found it disturbing. He should be wearing brown or something more similar to the puppet's color, don't you think so?

the puppeteer and Timon on the right

Nevertheless, it was the best thing I've ever seen and I did not regret any single thing about it.
It was magnificent and I was totally amazed throughout the whole play. I learned a lot about theatre as well. The way they use lightings and the amazing costumes.
I'd love to see other theatrical plays in MBS if I get the chance again someday in the future :)

P.S. the photos I posted are not mine, taking photos were not allowed in theatre :( I took these photos from various sources.

Lots of Love,

sorry... :(

Thursday, June 28, 2012

When was the last time I posted? 3 months ago?
I'm a so-unforgivable-lazy-blogger ._.
Still, I gotta say: sorry :(
Been doing a lot lately, catching up with my studies, final exams,
and right now I'm in the middle of school holiday :)

About the Easter Drama photos I talked about in the previous post,
I tried hard to find any, but it seems that no one has it...
My teacher even went through tens of CDs which contain photos from different occasions, but he couldn't find it, too bad :(
I'll have one of my friends or my teacher to surely take some photos of the next performances!

And about the newspaper-costumed Easter drama, sadly too, we didn't get to perform.
It was because most of my theater class friends have gone for their holiday earlier, so the casts weren't complete and we couldn't perform..

I know, new post after such a long time, filled with bad news...
Oh well. I'm going to be a 12 grader this July, which means the whole school is going to call me 'cece'
and I feel so old.. Time flies so damn fast!
Good news is, next year, there's going to be another musical production! (remember the last one which entitled Broken Wings?)
No idea about what it's going to be like, but I'm sure going to get a good part,
since it's going to be my last year ><
This is what I've been waiting for, and I wish it's going to be spectacular.
For you, readers, who are living in Surabaya, make sure you stay tuned and watch the production later ;)

Anyways, I've been planning to make another blog, together with one of my best friends :)
It's still in construction right now, but I'm sure it'll be ready next month
The blog is not entirely a fashion blog, it's just compilation of the things we love to do together, tee-hee
don't forget to check it out! www.thetwinprime.blogspot.com

That's all for now,
Stace <3

Long time no post, let's catch up! :p

Monday, March 12, 2012

Oh wow. When was the last time I post anything? Last year?
Yeah, so sorry about messing this blog up ><
Now let's catch up with few things...

About the Easter Drama! I nailed it :p
When I suddenly crawled up under the black cloth and said my line, I heard someone who was sitting close to me exclaimed, he sounded so surprised that I almost couldn't help to laugh! Luckily I didn't laugh and continued my performance..
People said that they recognized me because my voice was loud enough to be heard, and they were certain it was me hahaha :D
Unfortunately I didn't manage to get the photos of the performance..
(I think that even if I do, you won't recognize my face since I'm under a black cloth)
I'll try to look it up and post it soon if I find any of the pictures, promise :D

I didn't get to do a lot of performances lately, since I'm now in the 11th grade and I'm taking the IB diploma. Things are getting serious ><
But I did one performance in November (I guess) together with my friends in the Theater class. The drama was about friendship. Cliche, I know, but I enjoyed being a part of it.
So there was a sad girl who's in need of friend. God gave her more than what she asked.
In the end she said, "When I asked God for a friend, He gave me you."
Sweet, eh? ;)
It was a very simple performance, but I hope people were reminded about how important friends are more than anything :D
(I also didn't manage to get any photos, I don't think anyone took any picture of the performance, sadly :s)

Anddd we (me and my theater friends) did a drama for Christmas!
Nope, it wasn't that cliche performance. We did a contemporary drama, there was also singing and dancing involved (but I didn't dance nor sing, just act :p)
The plot was telling about how human got easily distracted with other things, especially sin, and we have to get back to our rightful path.
My friends said that they didn't really get the story, but yes, they got the Jesus' birth scene (thank God! XD)

I think that's all of the performances I did lately..
I'm studying Butoh Dance (which I really really love <3) at the moment in Theater class, maybe I'll get a chance to perform it later :D
And we're also preparing for the coming Easter drama ;)
*spoiler alert!* Me and my other 2 friends will wear a costume made of newspaper, because the plot is that our professions are related to literature.
That's all that I can tell for now, I'm leaving all the rest for the next post :D

Ciao! <3