Long time no post, let's catch up! :p

Monday, March 12, 2012

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Oh wow. When was the last time I post anything? Last year?
Yeah, so sorry about messing this blog up ><
Now let's catch up with few things...

About the Easter Drama! I nailed it :p
When I suddenly crawled up under the black cloth and said my line, I heard someone who was sitting close to me exclaimed, he sounded so surprised that I almost couldn't help to laugh! Luckily I didn't laugh and continued my performance..
People said that they recognized me because my voice was loud enough to be heard, and they were certain it was me hahaha :D
Unfortunately I didn't manage to get the photos of the performance..
(I think that even if I do, you won't recognize my face since I'm under a black cloth)
I'll try to look it up and post it soon if I find any of the pictures, promise :D

I didn't get to do a lot of performances lately, since I'm now in the 11th grade and I'm taking the IB diploma. Things are getting serious ><
But I did one performance in November (I guess) together with my friends in the Theater class. The drama was about friendship. Cliche, I know, but I enjoyed being a part of it.
So there was a sad girl who's in need of friend. God gave her more than what she asked.
In the end she said, "When I asked God for a friend, He gave me you."
Sweet, eh? ;)
It was a very simple performance, but I hope people were reminded about how important friends are more than anything :D
(I also didn't manage to get any photos, I don't think anyone took any picture of the performance, sadly :s)

Anddd we (me and my theater friends) did a drama for Christmas!
Nope, it wasn't that cliche performance. We did a contemporary drama, there was also singing and dancing involved (but I didn't dance nor sing, just act :p)
The plot was telling about how human got easily distracted with other things, especially sin, and we have to get back to our rightful path.
My friends said that they didn't really get the story, but yes, they got the Jesus' birth scene (thank God! XD)

I think that's all of the performances I did lately..
I'm studying Butoh Dance (which I really really love <3) at the moment in Theater class, maybe I'll get a chance to perform it later :D
And we're also preparing for the coming Easter drama ;)
*spoiler alert!* Me and my other 2 friends will wear a costume made of newspaper, because the plot is that our professions are related to literature.
That's all that I can tell for now, I'm leaving all the rest for the next post :D

Ciao! <3


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